Nieuws van politieke partijen in Wageningen over Connect Wageningen inzichtelijk

3 documenten

First of all, what an honour to kick ...

Connect Wageningen Connect Wageningen Wageningen 08-04-2019 10:10

First of all, what an honour to kick off the Connect Wageningen Stress Stories! This one time I had to give a speech for bachelor-graduates as president of one of Wageningen’s Study Associations. Knowing beforehand that I am pretty good at making myself too nervous for unnecessary things, I tried to keep it cool. And the days before the speech, I was relatively calm… However, on D-Day itself, I woke up and the first thing I thought was ”Shit”. Well, I started the day nervous and it only got worse. The whole day, I was in a state of the worst nerves ever and the only thing I ate that day was a slice of pizza and three strings of spaghetti. In hindsight, I can really laugh about how much I actually panicked about nothing at all and I have really learned a lot from it. #Wageningen #WURLIFE #stresstories #wageningenuniversity #stressmanagement

Wageningen is rich in locally ...

Connect Wageningen Connect Wageningen Wageningen 23-10-2018 11:32

Wageningen is rich in locally organised social initiatives. One of them is community hub, THUIS. Thuis was founded 3 years ago and has since been a valuable contribution to Wageningen. It has evolved into a place for joint activities, where you can meet new people, and experience different cultures. Thuis has been nominated for "the best community house of the year" and can win €3000,- to continue their great work for the city. Will you vote?

Learning the local language is an ...

Connect Wageningen Connect Wageningen Wageningen 17-10-2018 10:57

Learning the local language is an essential element for integration. It helps closing the gap between internationals and local Wageningers. We are happy with the developments the university is taking, as many international students are eager to learn Dutch. However, in the financial planning of the municipality, Wageningen solely wants to invest in offering English courses; it is believed that there are currently enough Dutch courses available. Yet, Dutch courses at the WUR are not accessible for expats and other social groups, are often completely full, and remain expensive for high quality courses. If the municipality does not invest its fair share in both languages, how will the municipality claim to pave the way for a more inclusive community of its residents.

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