Nieuws van Connect Wageningen inzichtelijk

14 documenten

Do you sometimes park your car ...

Connect Wageningen Connect Wageningen Wageningen 10-02-2019 10:54

Do you sometimes park your car behind the Albert Heijn at Olympiaplein? Be aware that since 1st of februari you have to pay for parking. Enter your license plate at the parking meter and pay. You don't have to walk back to your car to place the receipt. The first hour is free!


Connect Wageningen Connect Wageningen Wageningen 08-02-2019 18:40

NEDERLANDS --- ENGLISH BELOW Het raadswerk kan ook erg gemakkelijk zijn. Wij hadden van mensen gehoord dat dit erg drukke nieuwe kruispunt erg onoverzichtelijk was. Hierover vragen gesteld en nu gaat de de gemeente de volgende aanpassingen doorvoeren: - het bord voor fietsers, gaan we vervangen voor een bord voor auto’s met een verplichte rijrichting (dit gaan we zo spoedig mogelijk regelen). - voor fietsers zetten we geen nieuw bord neer, maar komt er een middellijn op de kruising (dit doen we zodra de rode laag aangebracht is).' Takehomemessage: laat het vooral weten als er iets dat je denkt dat beter kan. cheers Federico Battistig ENGLISH Political parties can also have it very easy. People were annoyed by those new crossroads, because the rules weren't clear. We asked some questions and now the municipality will change the crossorads. Takehomemessage: speak your mind when something can be improved cheers Federico Battistig

Wageningen is rich in locally ...

Connect Wageningen Connect Wageningen Wageningen 23-10-2018 11:32

Wageningen is rich in locally organised social initiatives. One of them is community hub, THUIS. Thuis was founded 3 years ago and has since been a valuable contribution to Wageningen. It has evolved into a place for joint activities, where you can meet new people, and experience different cultures. Thuis has been nominated for "the best community house of the year" and can win €3000,- to continue their great work for the city. Will you vote?

Learning the local language is an ...

Connect Wageningen Connect Wageningen Wageningen 17-10-2018 10:57

Learning the local language is an essential element for integration. It helps closing the gap between internationals and local Wageningers. We are happy with the developments the university is taking, as many international students are eager to learn Dutch. However, in the financial planning of the municipality, Wageningen solely wants to invest in offering English courses; it is believed that there are currently enough Dutch courses available. Yet, Dutch courses at the WUR are not accessible for expats and other social groups, are often completely full, and remain expensive for high quality courses. If the municipality does not invest its fair share in both languages, how will the municipality claim to pave the way for a more inclusive community of its residents.

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