Nieuws van politieke partijen in Wageningen inzichtelijk

2 documenten

Stress Stories Finally, studies ...

Connect Wageningen Connect Wageningen Wageningen 25-05-2019 13:33

Stress Stories Finally, studies finished and now looking for a job. But how do I filter between all those vacancies? I actually like a lot of things. One thing I know for sure, I want to keep living here. During my internship I experienced how hard it was to travel 2 hours every day, and I don’t want to do that again. After a lot of searching I might have found something, but no after a good interview, still rejected. Pffff I really can’t do this, maybe I should just give up. No, I’m not a quitter, I just have to get back up and continue. Again, lots of stress, I might get good at this #Wageningen #WURLIFE #stresstories #wageningenuniversity #stressmanagement by anonymous

"Make use of eachother, we're here ...

Connect Wageningen Connect Wageningen Wageningen 26-02-2019 11:10

"Make use of eachother, we're here to help you" was one of the main messages during last weeks Kick Stress event led by S&I, Student Council Party. It is important to reach out and make time for eachother. It was a successful inspiring evening with many people sharing their experiences and ideas on how to tackle stress. We're looking forward to start implementing some of the ideas! #stress #wageningen

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