On the 17th of May, this Friday, there will be a climate march to demonstrate distress about the current state of our climate and biodiversity, in a protest against the local and national government. Connect Wageningen has chosen to not take part in the march, as we do not agree with their protest against “seeming inability of local” government. In Wageningen, the city council is pro-climate measures and there are already plans in motion to reach our ambitious goals. It is awesome to see that everyone is so involved with the subject and we would really like to encourage you to not only march in protest, but also turn your concerns into something productive. Talk, message, email, call and fax your city representatives to see what they are working on and if you really disagree with the measures our city is taking. When you want to make or change policies afterwards, then the city council parties will help you realise it! Everyone is welcome to help Wageningen reduce greenhouse gas emissions! If you would like to take part in the march, it starts at 13:00 at the WUR building Atlas (Droevendaalsesteeg 4) and then you will march to the municipality of Wageningen (arriving at 16:00). Extinction Rebellion Wageningen and Extinction Rebellion NL host the event. For more details, check out their event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2291100014486171/. If you wish to inform yourself on the plans in Wageningen, here is a link to the climate plan Klimaatplan Wageningen 2017-2021 http://wageningenduurzaam.nl/wp-content/uploads/klimaatplan-Wageningen_16apr2019.pdf and on the same website (http://wageningenduurzaam.nl/) you can join many initiatives to become sustainable, so please have a look! The site, as well as the documents, is only in Dutch but if you contact us we will help you to the best of our ability.