Just defended our MP on Jinek FB site. Compared to UK, NL is doing well. He must have done something right. No evidence of personal financial gain as an influence (I recall a T Blair), he's always willing to talk (unlike our dear Mrs May), NL is out of financial crisis (we should be so lucky), so I respect him as a leader. I don't agree with everything (e.g. loss of my nationality because dad worked for Shell and I ended up here. Not keen to see my taxes spent on war so to vote, needed British nationality). We Dutch-born people travel around the globe, doing great things, we integrate well, we are not a problem but an asset. We sell NL. I had hoped that someone who once worked for a multinational might have realised that and be proud of us. (Unilever have a huge office a mile or so away from me). If we could vote in the country where we pay taxes, I woudn't need my British passport. But we can't. In short admire what MP has done but not 100% in agreement with everything. Can't return to NL because of disability and lack of experts there. Otherwise, I would.