Nieuws van PVV in Europa over PVV inzichtelijk

14 documenten

Disinformation in the EU

PVV PVV Europa 13-03-2019 10:42

Dear members of the press,

A majority in the European Parliament is concerned about propaganda against the EU by third parties and pushes for a resolution to counteract this.

A resolution against negative propaganda about the EU by third parties, ladies and gentlemen of the press, it a next step towards censorship of the press, of social media, of journalists.

Let me ask you this: who decides what is propaganda against the EU?

The answer is: the EU itself by means of institutes like EU vs Disinfo.

The European Commission already spoke with representatives of Facebook and other social media to pressure them. The Commission wants these big social media platforms to immediately remove content that is negative towards the EU and its policies.

And as a result we already see critical voices being banned from Facebook and Twitter, people who have nothing to do with foreign countries, no Russian trolls or bots. Just ordinary people who speak out against mass migration, against an EU super state or against the violent crimes by migrants.

In a society with a free press, it must be possible to criticize the government, the governing institutions and policies without fear of being censored or worse.

So, while this resolution seems to aim at third countries like Russia who might try to destabilize the EU, it de facto aims at EU-critical political parties, EU-critical media outlets and EU-critical individuals, jounalists, bloggers, tweeps.

We are therefore, at an incredibly high pace marching towards a sovjet like super state, where dissenting opinions are forbidden.

The timing of this resolution is no coincidence. We are two and a half month away from the elections for the European Parliament. And you all will be very much aware of the growing popularity of EU-critical parties.

These parties, like ours, see the impotence of the EU to deal with essential issues like the debt crises, the migration crisis, terrorism in our cities, youth unemployment and economic growth.

 The EU is not the cause of prosperity and peace as it likes to present itself. Instead, non-EU-countries are often performing better on economic growth. EU-countries that close their borders are not suffering from terrorist attacks.

This is the inconvenient truth the EU would like to cover up. I express my deepest concerns about the direction the EU is heading with this resolution.

In a normal situation, a government would let the free press do their job, accept the criticism and would change its course as a result of it. Instead, the EU chooses to use its power to silence the press and push its desastrous agenda.

And let me state this very clear: the European Commission has no legal mandate to restrict the freedom of expression. Nowhere in the Treaty, we find an article that permits the Commission to establish an institute that monitors the media and that bans inconvenient opinions. Such measures by the Commission are completely illegal.

 Therefore, our group will vote against this resolution and propose an alternative text pressing for protection of the freedom of the press and a level playing field for all political, philosophical and religious beliefs, which are based upon the equality of all human beings.

Motion of resolution Nepnieuws

PVV PVV Europa 01-03-2019 10:09

ReportA8‑0031/2019Anna Elżbieta Fotyga

Follow up taken by the EEAS two years after the EP Report on EU strategic communication to counteract propaganda against it by third parties(2018/2115(INI))

Motion for a resolution (Rule 170(3) of the Rules of Procedure) replacing non-legislative motion for a resolution A8-0031/2019

European Parliament resolution on follow up taken by the EEAS two years after the EP Report on EU strategic communication to counteract propaganda against it by third parties

The European Parliament,

– having regard to Article 11 of the Charter of fundamental rights of the European Union, which provides for the freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers, and for the freedom and pluralism of the media to be respected,

– having regard to Rule 113 of its Rules of Procedure,

1. Recommends the following to the Council and the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy:

to express concern about deteriorating media freedoms and cases of journalists, bloggers and social media users being targeted for merely expressing their opinion; to underline that Member States are capable of addressing concerns regarding disinformation, propaganda, and attacks against their electoral processes in their respective countries and that too much EU interference runs contrary to the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality; to encourage Member States to adopt effective and clear legislation that ensures the transparency of media ownership and to pay particular attention to the funding, transparency and objectives of NGOs and mainstream media outlets; to encourage social media platforms to promote a level playing field for all political, philosophical and religious beliefs in accordance with the right to freedom of expression; to condemn the practise by social media platforms of demoting, banning or demonetising social media users on the sole basis of expressing their opinion; to heed against the EU becoming a self-proclaimed “Ministry of Truth” and thereby limiting the freedom of expression and the right to impart information and ideas without interference by public authority; to prevent the EU from becoming a (counter)propaganda machine silencing all forms of opposition against its narrative; to avoid imposing self-censorship on EU citizens by creating the fear that any form of criticism against the EU will be silenced and/or sanctioned; to ensure that the strategies against disinformation and propaganda are not used as a tool to prevent or stifle criticism being levelled against the EU;

2. Instructs its President to forward this recommendation to the Council, the Commission and the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

Europese Commissie heeft nog steeds lak aan Rekenkamer

PVV PVV Europa 26-02-2019 09:37

Opnieuw heeft de Europese Rekenkamer een uiterst kritisch rapport uitgebracht. Ditmaal over wetgevingsvoorstellen van de Commissie voor het volgende meerjarig financieel kader (MFK).De Rekenkamer blikt terug op de diverse op- en aanmerkingen die het afgelopen jaar zijn ingediend bij de medewetgevers van de EU: het Europees Parlement en de Raad. Dit ter overweging bij het debat en de besluiten over de wetgevingsvoorstellen van de Commissie voor het MFK in de periode 2021-2027.

De Commissie stelt voor correcties op de begrotingsbijdragen door te voeren onder het mom van "administratieve vereenvoudiging". Waarom wordt opnieuw een poging gedaan om landen als Nederland nog verder kaal te plukken? De Rekenkamer stelt voor zichzelf als externe controleur te benoemen voor alle door de Europese Unie opgerichte organen. Hoe kijkt u aan tegen dit voorstel? Landen als Hongarije en Polen, die weigeren alle dictaten vanuit de Europese Commissie klakkeloos over te nemen, worden bedreigd met een behoorlijke financiële boete. Wat vind u van de kritiek van de Rekenkamer, die terecht stelt dat het ongepast is wetgeving te maken inzake zogenaamde "fundamentele tekortkomingen" op het gebied van de rechtstaat wanneer vooraf geen duidelijke en specifieke criteria zijn opgesteld?


PVV PVV Europa 20-02-2019 16:04


Belastingmoraal is een groot goed: het besef dat het rechtvaardig is om persoonlijk financieel bij te dragen aan de maatschappij die ook jou omvat, een maatschappij waarin je je geborgen en vrij voelt. Maar in Nederland zijn de belastingen nog nooit zo hoog geweest, en de bevolking ervaart al twee decennia welvaartsverlies.

Voorzitter, de enige reden waarom we het vandaag over belastingheffing hebben, is dat dit parlement, ook nog Europese belastingheffing wil. Bovenop de nationale belastingen moeten burgers ook nog een keer het feest hier betalen.

En de Europese Unie is niet eens een maatschappij! Ooit bedoeld als vehikel om te kunnen handeldrijven, is het tegenwoordig een ontspoord internationaal rechtssysteem. Niemand voelt zich daarin thuis, steeds minder mensen voelen zich daarin vrij. Het is dus terecht dat de Europese Unie niet het recht heeft om zelfstandig belasting te heffen.

En, voorzitter, dat moet ook zo blijven. De belastingen zijn al veel te hoog.

Dank u wel.

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