Nieuws van politieke partijen in Maastricht inzichtelijk

3 documenten

Kaderbrief 2019 Tijdens de ...

D66 D66 Maastricht 02-07-2019 13:07

Kaderbrief 2019 Tijdens de behandeling van de Kaderbrief 2019 ging fractievoorzitter Johan Pas in op een aantal punten die voor D66 Maastricht belangrijk zijn. Zo sprak hij onder meer over burgerparticipatie en burgerbegroting, het benoemen van een jeugdburgemeester, het oprichten van een tegelbank, waar inwoners van onze stad stoeptegels kwijt kunnen en kunnen ophalen en de toekomst van de Muziekgieterij. Ook sprak hij over budgetkringen. Een budgetkring zet mensen in armoede aan om zelf onder begeleiding van experts, tot een oplossing te komen, waardoor niet alleen hun financiƫle situatie, maar ook hun maatschappelijk zelfvertrouwen groeit. Tot slot ging Johan Pas in op het onderwerp fietsen. Zo pleitte hij voor een tijdelijke stallingsplek voor fietsen, een zogeheten fietsvlonder, die op een parkeerplaats voor auto's geplaatst kan worden en verzocht hij het College om budget vrij te maken voor het aanbrengen van verlichting op de Groene Loper, tussen de Geusselt en station Maastricht-Noord. De volledige bijdrage is hier te bekijken:

The local cabinet had civil servants ...

M:OED M:OED Maastricht 15-02-2019 16:06

The local cabinet had civil servants and labor union officials interrogated in the cellars of the town hall and issued an illegal dragnet of over 40 email accounts as a part of an attempt to crackdown on a single whistleblower. On Tuesday and Wednesday evening, the City Council met in a special sitting to debate this matter. In the early hours of Thursday night, after a second day, not much had changed. There was no public apology and the executive board has made it difficult to get all the facts straight. Threatening with dismissal and putting civil servants under pressure seems to be a normal course of action within our city. Let it be clear that M:OED does not accept that. In the words of Simona Maassen: "How can trust be rebuilt if one is only busy with rationalizing everything away? The actions of this Board are inadequate." We then decided in good consultation with the other opposition parties to submit a motion of censure (disapproval) against the executive board. Unfortunately, as expected, this was not adopted since the coalition lacked the self-critical ability to look at the basis of this case. No, instead they have supported each other so that they can continue with the practices for which our city is becoming known. The city government has been given the opportunity to say NO to intimidation and espionage, NO to fear, NO to abuse of power and NO to further escalation, but disregarded this opportunity.

e-Democracy In the digital age, ...

M:OED M:OED PvdA Maastricht 17-11-2018 18:23

e-Democracy In the digital age, one of the few remaining fields where technology had limited impact is in the realm of politics. Yet, new innovations take place across the world on a daily basis. These technologies are aimed at increasing government transparency, facilitating local initiatives, empowering citizens and ultimately reshape the balance of power between politicians, public servants and citizens. M:OED believes that the role and place of a citizen in current the democratic system needs to be updated where needed and upgraded where possible. The following motion calls upon the Municipality to integrate digital democracy in their action plan for social innovation, to result in new experiments to be conducted by 2020. After a constructive debate, we received support of PvdA Maastricht, Partij Veilig Maastricht and D66 Maastricht who agreed to co-sponsor this bill, endorsed by Alderwoman Heijnen and was overwhelmingly passed by the Council with 31 votes in favor and 4 votes against. Be sure to read the study by the Dutch Ministry of Internal Affairs which the motion refers to:

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