Nieuws van politieke partijen in Wageningen over GroenLinks inzichtelijk

17 documenten ...

GroenLinks GroenLinks D66 PvdA Wageningen 28-03-2018 09:33

We hebben respect voor de keus van ...

GroenLinks GroenLinks Wageningen 24-03-2018 08:09

We hebben respect voor de keus van Rosanne Groot. En wensen haar veel succes bij DWARS, GroenLinkse Jongeren.

Tot vanmiddag bij Bas Eickhout! ...

GroenLinks GroenLinks Wageningen 16-03-2018 09:44

Tot vanmiddag bij Bas Eickhout! 12.14 Forum C214 Wageningen University & Research

Aankomende vrijdag komt onze ...

GroenLinks GroenLinks Wageningen 14-03-2018 12:37

Aankomende vrijdag komt onze Europarlementariër Bas Eickhout op bezoek! In een lunchlezing zal hij vertellen over zijn werk in Brussel en het belang van goed lokaal klimaatbeleid.

Climate change is the greatest ...

GroenLinks GroenLinks Wageningen 09-03-2018 12:40

Climate change is the greatest challenge of our time. A transition towards a climate neutral society is necessary. However, the Netherlands are still lagging behind and are among the European countries with the lowest share in renewable energy. We do not have to wait for the national government taking actions: municipalities are responsible for 25 % of the Dutch carbon emissions. Wageningen is one of the leading municipalities in the energy transition, but more work needs to be done. During this lunch lecture, Bas Eickhout, Member of the European Parliament, will tell about his work in the European Parliament and his commitment to fighting climate change. Moreover we will discuss how change can continue at local level and how we can work together towards a fair and climate neutral future in Wageningen.

- studentendebat - Vanavond is in ...

GroenLinks GroenLinks Wageningen 06-03-2018 06:52

- studentendebat - Vanavond is in Orion het grote Wageningse studentendebat, georganiseerd door o.a. DWARS Wageningen. Onze Rosanne Groot gaat het debat aan met de andere partijen! Wees erbij!

On the 21st of March, local ...

GroenLinks GroenLinks Wageningen 05-03-2018 09:00

On the 21st of March, local elections will be held in Wageningen. Did you know most non-Dutch residents are allowed to vote too? If you are a EU citizen, or a non-EU citizen living in The Netherlands for at least five years, you can vote for the kind of municipality you want to live in. For all international Wageningers, we translated our election programme

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