Nieuws van politieke partijen in Almelo inzichtelijk

3790 documenten

Ruim 726.000 Nederlandse huishoudens met problematische schulden

Partij Vrij Almelo (PVA) Partij Vrij Almelo (PVA) Almelo 04-04-2024 12:04

Steeds meer mensen met ernstige geldproblemen krijgen hulp van vrijwilligersorganisatie Humanitas. Vorig jaar waren het er ruim 24.000. In 2022 waren dat er nog zo’n 17.500 en in 2021 ruim 13.000.

“Deze cijfers zijn alarmerend”, zegt Jerzy Soetekouw, directeur van Humanitas. “Onze vrijwilligers en coördinatoren zien mensen op hun dieptepunt. Zij vangen als eersten de signalen op dat het probleem vele malen groter is dan voorheen. Door die geldstress zien we vaak ook andere problemen ontstaan zoals eenzaamheid.”

Het huidige energiebeleid; daar ligt volgens onze partij een van de belangrijkste oorzaken dat Nederlanders het financieel zwaarder hebben. Daarom moet de btw op energie omlaag en de energiebelasting ook. De huidige plannen om Nederland aardgasvrij te maken door de warmtepompplicht per 2026 in te voeren moet helemaal van tafel. Ook moeten we de schulden-industrie aanpakken waarin bedrijven geld verdienen aan de schulden van mensen die al in de problemen zitten.


Afschaffen van eigen risico in de zorg

Verhoging ouderenkorting

Handhaven inkomensondersteunig AOW-gerechtigden

4 april: Wereld zwerfdierendag

Partij Vrij Almelo (PVA) Partij Vrij Almelo (PVA) Almelo 03-04-2024 15:21

Oorspronkelijk ontstaan in Nederland, maar inmiddels een wereldwijd fenomeen

Op Wereld Zwerfdierendag wordt aandacht gevraagd voor deze dieren en wordt stil gestaan bij de verantwoordelijkheid van mensen voor deze dieren. Het leven van zwerfdieren is vaak hard. Ze lijden honger, worden verjaagd en mishandeld en soms zelf door de autoriteiten gedood.

Tijdens deze Dag zullen asiels over de hele wereld hun zwerfdieren extra verzorgen en proberen hen een goed huis te vinden. Er zijn ook enkele dierenartsen die geheel voor dit goede doel zwerdieren gratis zullen behandelen. U kunt zelf ook meehelpen door het asiel te bezoeken en één of andere verwaarloosde kat in huis te nemen. Als u ‘em maar niet de volgende dag weer naar buiten gooit.

Hoeveel zwerfdieren zijn er in Nederland?

Het is moeilijk te zeggen hoeveel zwerfkatten er precies zijn in Nederland. De schattingen lopen uiteen van 136.000 tot 1.2 miljoen zwerfkatten. Bekend is dat er jaarlijks meer dan 100.000 afstands- en zwerfdieren in het asiel terecht komen en dat het aantal zwerfkatten blijft groeien.

Gelukkig komen in Nederland nauwelijks zwerfhonden voor. Elders in de wereld, ook in Europa, vormen de zwerfhonden op sommige plekken echter een groot probleem. Het aantal zwerfhonden wereldwijd wordt geschat op 600 miljoen: een enorme hoeveelheid.

Wereld Zwerfdierendag wordt dit jaar alweer voor de negende keer gevierd. Deze dag is begonnen in Nederland, maar wordt inmiddels al in meer dan 80 landen gevierd. Het doel van Wereld Zwerfdierendag is aandacht vragen voor de miljoenen zwerfdieren wereldwijd en stil te staan bij de verantwoordelijkheid die wij mensen jegens deze dieren zouden moeten dragen.

Chippen en registreren voorkomt zwerfdieren

‘Windmolens ramp voor mens en dier’

Partij Vrij Almelo (PVA) Partij Vrij Almelo (PVA) DENK Almelo 02-04-2024 15:16

Er staat nog geen enkele windmolen in Twente, maar ook hier krijgt de vrees voor gezondheidsschade door de turbines steeds steviger voet aan de grond.

De gemeenten Almelo, Tubbergen en Twenterand en de provincie Overijssel gaan samen de mogelijkheden voor windmolens in het gebied op de grens van de drie gemeenten onderzoeken. Rond de zomer van 2022 moet duidelijk zijn wat er wel en niet mogelijk is.

De gemeente rommelt die dingen onze wijken in zeggen tegenstanders die protesteren tegen de bouw van windmolens. Een actievoerder twijfelt geen moment: ik wil geen windmolen op 400 meter van mijn vrijstaande huis in het gebied waar ik woon. En hij is niet de enige van de actievoerders die de bouw van de windturbines koste wat het kost willen tegenhouden.

„Ik ken geen onderzoek dat de veiligheid van windmolens zó dicht bij bebouwing garandeert.”

Als windmolens te dicht bij mensen worden gebouwd, kan het constante geraas van de turbines voor gezondheidsschade zorgen volgens onderzoeken. Denk aan stress en slapeloosheid. Onderzoeken van het RIVM spreken dat tegen, maar die kloppen niet. Dat zijn literatuuronderzoeken waarbij het RIVM de belangen van de onderzoekers niet meeweegt, terwijl zij soms baat hebben bij windenergie. Onderzoeken die aantonen dat het veilig is om op 400 meter afstand te wonen van een windmolen die hoger is dan 150 meter, zijn er niet.

Het is de bedoeling dat deze zomer duidelijk is wat er ruimtelijk en technisch wel of niet kan in het zoekgebied. Mede op basis van deze onderzoeksresultaten kunnen de gemeenteraden beslissen of en waar windenergie mogelijk is in het gebied op de grens van Almelo, Tubbergen en Twenterand.

Clintel gaat op 4 april in Hoge Hexel het land in om het klimaatbeleid en de impact van de energietransitie aan de kaak te stellen.

A Visit to Where the Cloud Touches the Ground

Democraten NU Democraten NU Almelo 01-04-2024 21:33

Hi there! I’m Zander Rose and I’ve recently started at Automattic to work on long-term data preservation and the evolution of our 100-Year Plan. Previously, I directed The Long Now Foundation and have worked on long-term archival projects like The Rosetta Project, as well as advised/partnered with organizations such as The Internet Archive, Archmission Foundation, GitHub Archive, Permanent, and Stanford Digital Repository. More broadly, I see the content of the Internet, and the open web in particular, as an irreplaceable cultural resource that should be able to last into the deep future—and my main task is to make sure that happens.

I recently took a trip to one of Automattic’s data centers to get a peek at what “the cloud” really looks like. As I was telling my family about what I was doing, it was interesting to note their perception of “the cloud” as a completely ephemeral thing. In reality, the cloud has a massive physical and energy presence, even if most people don’t see it on a day-to-day basis.

Automattic’s data center network. You can see a real-time traffic map right here.

Given the millions of sites hosted by Automattic, figuring out how all that data is currently served and stored was one of the first elements I wanted to understand. I believe that the preservation of as many of these websites as possible will someday be seen as a massive historic and cultural benefit. For this reason, I was thankful to be included on a recent meetup for’s Explorers engineering team, which included a tour of one of Automattic’s data centers.

The tour began with a taco lunch where we met amazing Automatticians and data center hosts Barry and Eugene, from our world-class systems and operations team. These guys are data center ninjas and are deeply knowledgeable, humble, and clearly exactly who you would want caring about your data.

The data center we visited was built out in 2013 and was the first one in which Automattic owned and operated its servers and equipment, rather than farming it out. By building out our own infrastructure, it gives us full control over every bit of data that comes in and out, as well as reduces costs given the large amount of data stored and served. Automattic now has a worldwide network of 27 data centers that provide both proximity and redundancy of content to the users and the company itself.

The physical building we visited is run by a contracted provider, and after passing through many layers of security both inside and outside, we began the tour with the facility manager showing us the physical infrastructure. This building has multiple customers paying for server space, with Automattic being just one of them. They keep technical staff on site that can help with maintenance or updates to the equipment, but, in general, the preference is for Automattic’s staff to be the only ones who touch the equipment, both for cost and security purposes.

The four primary things any data center provider needs to guarantee are uninterruptible power, cooling, data connectivity, and physical security/fire protection. The customer, such as Automattic, sets up racks of servers in the building and is responsible for that equipment, including how it ties into the power, cooling, and internet. This report is thus organized in that order.

On our drive in, we saw the large power substation positioned right on campus (which includes many data center buildings, not just Automattic’s). Barry pointed out this not only means there is a massive amount of power available to the campus, but it also gets electrical feeds from both the east and west power grids, making for redundant power even at the utility level coming into the buildings.

The data center’s massive generators.

One of the more unique things about this facility is that instead of battery-based instant backup power, it uses flywheel storage by Active Power. This is basically a series of refrigerator-sized boxes with 600-pound flywheels spinning at 10,000 RPM in a vacuum chamber on precision ceramic bearings. The flywheel acts as a motor most of the time, getting fed power from the network to keep it spinning. Then if the power fails, it switches to generator mode, pulling energy out of the flywheel to keep the power on for the 5-30 seconds it takes for the giant diesel generators outside to kick in.

Those generators are the size of semi-truck trailers and supply four megawatts each, fueled by 4,500-gallon diesel tanks. That may sound like a lot, but that basically gives them 48 hours of run time before needing more fuel. In the midst of a large disaster, there could be issues with road access and fuel shortages limiting the ability to refuel the generators, but in cases like that, our network of multiple data centers with redundant capabilities will still keep the data flowing.

Depending on outside ambient temperatures, cooling is typically around 30% of the power consumption of a data center. The air chilling is done through a series of cooling units supplied by a system of saline water tanks out by the generators.

Barry and Eugene pointed out that without cooling, the equipment will very quickly (in less than an hour) try to lower their power consumption in response to the heat, causing a loss of performance. Barry also said that when they start dropping performance radically, it makes it more difficult to manage than if the equipment simply shut off. But if the cooling comes back soon enough, it allows for faster recovery than if hardware was fully shut off.

Handling the cooling in a data center is a complicated task, but this is one of the core responsibilities of the facility, which they handle very well and with a fair amount of redundancy.

Data centers can vary in terms of how they connect to the internet. This center allows for multiple providers to come into a main point of entry for the building.

Automattic brings in at least two providers to create redundancy, so every piece of equipment should be able to get power and internet from two or more sources at all times. This connectivity comes into Automattic’s equipment over fiber via overhead raceways that are separate from the power and cooling in the floor. From there it goes into two routers, each connected to all the cabinets in that row.

As mentioned earlier, this data center is shared among several tenants. This means that each one sets up their own last line of physical security. Some lease an entire data hall to themselves, or use a cage around their equipment; some take it even further by obscuring the equipment so you cannot see it, as well as extending the cage through the subfloor another three feet down so that no one could get in by crawling through that space.

Automattic’s machines took up the central portion of the data hall we were in, with some room to grow. We started this portion of the tour in the “office” that Automattic also rents to both store spare parts and equipment, as well as provide a quiet place to work. On this tour it became apparent that working in the actual server rooms is far from ideal. With all the fans and cooling, the rooms are both loud and cold, so in general you want to do as much work outside of there as possible.

What was also interesting about this space is that it showed all the generations of equipment and hard drives that have to be kept up simultaneously. It is not practical to assume that a given generation of hard drives or even connection cables will be available for more than a few years. In general, the plan is to keep all hardware using identical memory, drives, and cables, but that is not always possible. As we saw in the server racks, there is equipment still running from 2013, but these will likely have to be completely swapped in the near future.

Barry also pointed out that different drive tech is used for different types of data. Images are stored on spinning hard drives (which are the cheapest by size, but have moving parts so need more replacement), and the longer lasting solid state disk (SSD) and non-volatile memory (NVMe) technology are used for other roles like caching and databases, where speed and performance are most important.

Barry showing us all the bins of hardware they use to maintain the servers.

Barry explained that data at Automattic is stored in multiple places in the same data center, and redundantly again at several other data centers. Even with that much redundancy, a further copy is stored on an outside backup. Each one of the centers Automattic uses has a method of separation, so it is difficult for a single bug to propagate between different facilities. In the last decade, there’s only been one instance where the outside backup had to come into play, and it was for six images. Still, Barry noted that there can never be too many backups.

And with that, we concluded the tour and I would soon head off to the airport to fly home. The last question Barry asked me was if I thought this would all be around in 100 years. My answer was that something like it most certainly will, but that it would look radically different, and may be situated in parts of the world with more sustainable cooling and energy, as more of the world gets large bandwidth connections.

As I thought about the project of getting all this data to last into the deep future, I was very impressed by what Automattic has built, and believe that as long as business continues as normal, the data is incredibly safe. However, on the chance that things do change, I think developing partnerships with organizations like The Internet Archive,, and perhaps national libraries or large universities will be critically important to help make sure the content of the open web survives well into the future. We could also look at some of the long-term storage systems that store data without the need for power, as well as systems that cannot be changed in the future (as we wonder if AI and censorship may alter what we know to be “facts”). For this, we could look at stable optical systems like Piql, Project Silica, and Stampertech. It breaks my heart to think the world would have created all this, only for it to be lost. I think we owe it to the future to make sure as much of it as possible has a path to survive.

Our group of Automatticians enjoyed the tour—thank you Barry and Eugene!

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Partij Vrij Almelo (PVA) Partij Vrij Almelo (PVA) Almelo 29-03-2024 11:10


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Partij Vrij Almelo Dicht bij de burger

5 Hidden Features of

Democraten NU Democraten NU Almelo 28-03-2024 18:40

Isn’t it amazing how you can learn new things about someone, even after years of knowing them? That’s how Jamie Marsland has felt in the last few weeks while diving deeper into’s capabilities. In today’s Build and Beyond video, he shares five incredible features built right into the platform that aren’t as well known as they should be. Whether you’re a blogger, a developer, or fall somewhere between, you’re likely to discover something new and useful.

Ready to build on Start a free trial today:

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Hot Off the Press: New Themes for March 2024

Democraten NU Democraten NU Almelo 27-03-2024 19:49

The team is always working on new design ideas to bring your website to life. Check out the latest themes in our library, including great options for small businesses, sports fans, nostalgic bloggers, and more.

Feelin’ Good is a vibrant (to say the least!) blog theme with a bold vaporwave aesthetic. Its nostalgic atmosphere pays homage to the daring, over-the-top visual art and advertisements of the ’80s and early ’90s. We’ve combined a lot of elements that shouldn’t work together, but do. If you’re looking for a dynamic, attention-grabbing, eye-popping visual feast of a theme, try Feelin’ Good.

Low Fi is a simple blog theme featuring a narrow column layout that’s optimized for seamless browsing on mobile devices. With six style variations, you’re sure to find a palette you’re drawn to. Taking inspiration from the lo-fi beats music scene, the theme’s design cues, such as the square header image, offer a nod to album artwork.

The overall aesthetic is deliberately understated, with each element—from the muted color schemes to the textured background—crafted to evoke a sense of nostalgia and warmth.

Cakely is the ultimate WordPress theme designed specifically for passionate bakers, cake enthusiasts, and dessert lovers. Tailored for small businesses aiming to shine in the world of sweets, Cakely effortlessly combines style and functionality to showcase mouthwatering creations. Its vibrant pink color scheme exudes joy while maintaining a classy, clean layout with easy navigation. This theme ultimately strikes the perfect balance between professionalism and playfulness, making it an ideal choice for showcasing your delicious masterpieces.

Treehouse is a carefree, fun, and friendly theme ideal for Woo stores selling children’s products. With its unlimited customization options, Treehouse enables you to set up an online shop with just a few clicks. Utilizing a soft color palette, playful design details, and simplified layouts, your site will attract a wide range of customers, from young parents to over-the-moon grandparents. This theme is fully responsive and cross-browser compatible.

Major League Baseball’s 2024 season kicks off on Thursday, March 28. What better way to show your home team the love it deserves than with a baseball-themed fan site! With a somewhat old-school layout, this theme evokes some of the classic sports sites of the ’90s, back before fantasy leagues took over. The header and accent colors are customizable, ensuring that your favorite crew is properly saluted.

To install any of the above themes, click the name of the theme you like, which brings you right to the installation page. Then click the “Activate this design” button. You can also click “Open live demo,” which brings up a clickable, scrollable version of the theme for you to preview.

Premium themes are available to use at no extra charge for customers on the Explorer plan or above. Partner themes are third-party products that can be purchased for $79/year each.

You can explore all of our themes by navigating to the “Themes” page, which is found under “Appearance” in the left-side menu of your dashboard. Or you can click below:

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Mondelinge vragen ten behoeve van het “Vragenhalfuurtje” op dinsdag 26 maart 2024

Partij Vrij Almelo (PVA) Partij Vrij Almelo (PVA) Almelo 27-03-2024 10:56

Zeker in een dichtbebouwde stad is het zaak dat de bewoners een relatie met groen hebben. “Groen moet altijd voorhanden zijn, liefst geïntegreerd met de bebouwing.”


In de Tubantia d.d. 23 maart 2024 lazen wij: De openbare ruimte in de gemeente Almelo is de meest versteende van heel Overijssel. In alle woonwijken samen is 84,4 procent van het publieke terrein ‘grijs’, blijkt uit cijfers van groenadviseur Cobra Groeninzicht.

Op 8 oktober 2020 hebben wij, de Partij Vrij Almelo schriftelijke vragen gesteld wat u gaat doen om de toenemende verstening van tuinen tegen te gaan en vergroening te stimuleren. Als antwoord kregen wij te horen dat er een prestatieovereenkomst 2019 t/m 2023 is gemaakt tussen de gemeente en woningcorporaties om vergroening van tuinen toebehorend aan corporatiewoningen te verwezenlijken.

Ook zou er kritisch worden gekeken naar de benodigde verharding in de openbare ruimte en daar waar nodig te verminderen en door voorlichting aan particulieren.


Ondanks alle afspraken staat Almelo nog steeds op de laatste plaats bij het terugdringen van verstening in de woonwijken, waarom wordt hier onvoldoende voortgang geboekt en wat gaat het College ondernemen om deze impasse te doorbreken?

Harry de Olde

15 WordPress Pro Developers You Should Follow in 2024

Democraten NU Democraten NU Almelo 26-03-2024 17:40

WordPress is so powerful and versatile that the WP community can sometimes seem like a vast ocean of people, information, and resources. In today’s Build and Beyond video, Jamie Marsland shares 15 of the most influential developers he follows to keep on top of new features, learn cool new tips, and, ultimately, get the most out of WordPress.

Of course, we couldn’t feature all the great people in this space, so be sure to comment below with your favorite WordPress-related follows.

Ready to build on Start a free trial today:

Here are the folks mentioned, as well as where to find them on the web:

Nick Diego

Sarah Norris

Brian Coords

Carolina Nymark

James Kemp

Anne Bovelett

Justin Tadlock

Ryan Welcher

Aki Hamano

Aurooba Ahmed

Eric Karkovack

Keith Devon  and Mark Wilkinson

Joost de Valk

Elliot Richmond

Rich Tabor

Jessica Lyschik

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Partij Vrij Almelo (PVA) Partij Vrij Almelo (PVA) Almelo 24-03-2024 15:18

Samen willen we Almelo veiliger maken

“Wat heeft een burgemeester nodig om zijn verantwoordelijkheid op het veiligheidsterrein waar te maken?” Dat is de centrale vraag. Het antwoord daarop luidt: bestuurlijke kwaliteiten, een gedegen informatiepositie, een goede relatie met de gemeenteraad en het college en bevoegdheden die toegesneden zijn op de praktijk.

Orde organiseren in een polariserende samenleving is een fikse uitdaging en zal veel van het gemeentebestuur en de burgemeester eisen. De roep om de burgemeester ‘als veiligheidsbaas’ is groter geworden. Zeker als er een direct gekozen burgemeester zou komen, dan kan dat grote consequenties hebben voor de inrichting van het veiligheidsbestel.

De afgelopen jaren zijn nieuwe bevoegdheden voor de burgemeester voorbereid, ook buiten het klassieke openbare-orde-terrein. Dit moet dan ook worden gezien als een markeringspunt en richtinggevend kader. Zij schetst het beeld van de burgemeester die de huidige samenleving nodig heeft.

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