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Font Freedom: Unleash Creative Typography on Your Site

Democraten NU Democraten NU Almelo 06-05-2024 17:39

A website speaks to its visitors not only through its content and imagery, but also with its typography. A carefully selected font can set the siteā€™s tone, convey emotion, and leave a lasting impression.

With the new Font Library on, you can now upload custom typography without the hassle of coding or the limitations of plugins. Itā€™s not just about choosing fonts; itā€™s about effortlessly crafting an experience for your visitors.

Available on sites with the Creator or Entrepreneur plan, the Font Library allows you to manage your siteā€™s custom typography in one place. Installing, removing, and activating or deactivating fonts across your entire site is a breeze.

To access the Font Library, head to the Site Editor and open the ā€œStylesā€ side panel. Once there, select ā€œTypographyā€ and select the settings icon next to the ā€œFontsā€ heading.

Once in the Font Library, you will see the list of available fonts for your site: those that come with your theme, as well as any custom fonts you have installed.

There are two ways to install fonts:

Manually upload the font files from the ā€œUploadā€ tab

Connect to Google Fonts on the ā€œInstall Fontsā€ tab, then download any selected fonts to your site

In addition to this high-level customization, the Font Library also provides granular control of the font weights that youā€™d like to enable, minimizing the effects on site speed because itā€™s only what you need thatā€™s being loaded.

Level up your site by adding that extra touch of typography personality by using the Font Library, no code or plugins needed. To learn more, check out the support article.

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What Is So Fascinating About Marijuana News?

Lokaal Almelo Samen (LAS) Lokaal Almelo Samen (LAS) Almelo 29-04-2024 11:37

What Is So Fascinating About Marijuana News?

If youā€™re against using Cannabis as you do not need to smoke youā€™re misinformed. As there is barely any cannabis left in a roach, some people today argue that the song is all about running out of cannabis and not having the ability to acquire high, exactly like the roach isnā€™t able to walk because itā€™s missing a leg. If youā€™re thinking about consuming cannabis please consult your health care provider first. Before visiting the list, itā€™s important to be aware of the scientific reason cannabis works as a medication generally, and more specifically, the scientific reason it can send cancer into remission. At the moment, Medical Cannabis was still being used to take care of several health-related problems. In modern society, it is just starting to receive the recognition it deserves when it comes to treating diseases such as Epilepsy.

In nearly all the nation, at the present time, marijuana is illegal. To comprehend what marijuana does to the brain first youā€™ve got to know the key chemicals in marijuana and the various strains. If you are a person who uses marijuana socially at the occasional party, then you likely do not have that much to be concerned about. If youā€™re a user of medicinal marijuana, your smartphone is possibly the very first place you start looking for your community dispensary or a health care provider. As an issue of fact, there are just a few types of marijuana that are psychoactive. Medical marijuana has entered the fast-lane and now in case you reside in Arizona you can purchase your weed without leaving your vehicle. Medical marijuana has numerous therapeutic effects which will need to be dealt with and not only the so-called addictive qualities.

If youā€™re using marijuana for recreational purposes begin with a strain with a minimal dose of THC and see the way your body reacts. Marijuana is simpler to understand because it is both criminalized and decriminalized, based on the place you go in the nation. If a person is afflicted by chronic depression marijuana can directly affect the Amygdala that is accountable for your emotions.

Much enjoy the wine industry was just two or three decades past, the cannabis business has an image problem thatā€™s keeping people away. In the event you want to learn where you are able to find marijuana wholesale companies near you, the very best place to seek out such companies is our site, Weed Finder. With the cannabis industry growing exponentially, and as more states start to legalize, individuals are beginning to learn that there is far more to cannabis than simply a plant that you smoke. In different states, the work of legal marijuana has produced a patchwork of banking and tax practices. Then the marijuana sector is ideal for you.

Know what medical cannabis options can be found in your state and the way they respond to your qualifying medical condition. They can provide medicinal benefits, psychotropic benefits, and any combination of both, and being able to articulate what your daily responsibilities are may help you and your physician make informed, responsible decisions regarding the options that are appropriate for you, thus protecting your employment, your family and yourself from untoward events. In the modern society, using drugs has become so prevalent it has come to be a component of normal life, irrespective of age or gender. Using marijuana in the USA is growing at a quick rate.

Making 43% of the Web More Dynamic with the WordPress Interactivity API

Democraten NU Democraten NU Almelo 17-04-2024 12:00

Creating rich, engaging, and interactive website experiences is a simple way to surprise, delight, and attract attention from website readers and users. Dynamic interactivity like instant search, form handling, and client-side ā€œapp-likeā€ navigation where elements can persist across routes, all without a full page reload, can make the web a more efficient and interesting place for all.

But creating those experiences on WordPress hasnā€™t always been the easiest or most straightforward, often requiring complex JavaScript framework setup and maintenance.

Now, with the Interactivity API, WordPress developers have a standardized way for doing that, all built directly into core.

ELI5: The Interactivity API and the Image Block

Several core WordPress blocks, including the Query Loop, Image, and Search blocks, have already adopted the Interactivity API. The Image block, in particular, is a great way to show off the Interactivity API in action.

At its core, the Image blocks allow you to add an image to a post or page. When a user clicks on an image in a post or page, the Interactivity API launches a lightbox showing a high-resolution version of the image.

The rendering of the Image block is handled server-side. The client-side interactivity, handling resizing and opening the lightbox, is now done with the new API that comes bundled with WordPress. You can bind the client-side interactivity simply by adding the

to the image element, referencing the

You might say, ā€œBut I could easily do this with some JavaScript!ā€ With the Interactivity API, the code is compact and declarative, and you get the context (local state) to handle the lightbox, resizing, side effects, and all of the other needed work here in the store object.

actions: { showLightbox() { const ctx = getContext(); // Bails out if the image has not loaded yet. if ( ! ctx.imageRef?.complete ) { return; } // Stores the positons of the scroll to fix it until the overlay is // closed. state.scrollTopReset = document.documentElement.scrollTop; state.scrollLeftReset = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; // Moves the information of the expaned image to the state. ctx.currentSrc = ctx.imageRef.currentSrc; imageRef = ctx.imageRef; buttonRef = ctx.buttonRef; state.currentImage = ctx; state.overlayEnabled = true; // Computes the styles of the overlay for the animation. callbacks.setOverlayStyles(); }, ...

The lower-level implementation details, like keeping the server and client side in sync, just work; developers no longer need to account for them.

This functionality is possible using vanilla JavaScript, by selecting the element via a query selector, reading data attributes, and manipulating the DOM. But itā€™s far less elegant, and up until now, there hasnā€™t been a standardized way in WordPress of handling interactive events like these.

With the Interactivity API, developers have a predictable way to provide interactivity to users on the front-end. You donā€™t have to worry about lower-level code for adding interactivity; itā€™s there in WordPress for you to start using today. Batteries are included.

How is the Interactivity API different from Alpine, React, or Vue?

Prior to merging the Interactivity API into WordPress core, developers would typically reach for a JavaScript framework to add dynamic features to the user-facing parts of their websites. This approach worked just fine, so why was there a need to standardize it?

At its core, the Interactivity API is a lightweight JavaScript library that standardizes the way developers can build interactive HTML elements on WordPress sites.

Mario Santos, a developer on the WordPress core team, wrote in the Interactivity API proposal that, ā€œWith a standard, WordPress can absorb the maximum amount of complexity from the developer because it will handle most of whatā€™s needed to create an interactive block.ā€

The team saw that the gap between whatā€™s possible and whatā€™s practical grew as sites became more complex. The more complex a user experience developers wanted to build, the more blocks needed to interact with each other, and the more difficult it became to build and maintain sites. Developers would spend a lot of time making sure that the client-side and server-side code played nicely together.

For a large open-source project with several contributors, having an agreed-upon standard and native way of providing client-side interactivity speeds up development and greatly improves the developer experience.

Block-first and PHP-first: Prioritizing blocks for building sites and server side rendering for better SEO and performance. Combining the best for user and developer experience.

Backward-compatible: Ensuring compatibility with both classic and block themes and optionally with other JavaScript frameworks, though itā€™s advised to use the API as the primary method. It also works with hooks and internationalization.

Declarative and reactive: Using declarative code to define interactions, listening for changes in data, and updating only relevant parts of the DOM accordingly.

Performant: Optimizing runtime performance to deliver a fast and lightweight user experience.

Other goals are on the horizon, including improvements to client-side navigation, as you can see in this PR.

The Interactivity API shares a few similarities to Alpineā€”a lightweight JavaScript library that allows developers to build interactions into their web projects, often used in WordPress and Laravel projects.

Similar to Alpine, the Interactivity API uses directives directly in HTML and both play nicely with PHP. Unlike Alpine, the Interactivity API is designed to seamlessly integrate with WordPress and support server-side rendering of its directives.

With the interactivity API, you can easily generate the view from the server in PHP, and then add client-side interactivity. This results in less duplication, and its support in WordPress core will lead to less architectural decisions currently required by developers.

So while Alpine and the Interactivity API share a broadly similar goalā€”making it easy for web developers to add interactive elements to a webpageā€”the Interactivity API is even more plug-and-play for WordPress developers.

Interactivity API vs. React and Vue

Many developers have opted for React when adding interactivity to WordPress sites because, in the modern web development stack, React is the go-to solution for declaratively handling DOM interactivity. This is familiar territory, and weā€™re used to using React and JSX when adding custom blocks for Gutenberg.

Loading React on the client side can be done, but it leaves you with many decisions: ā€œHow should I handle routing? How do I work with the context between PHP and React? What about server-side rendering?ā€

Part of the goal in developing the Interactivity API was the need to write as little as little JavaScript as possible, leaving the heavy lifting to PHP, and only shipping JavaScript when necessary.

The core team also saw issues with how these frameworks worked in conjunction with WordPress. Developers can use JavaScript frameworks like React and Vue to render a block on the front-end that they server-rendered in PHP, for example, but this requires logic duplication and risks exposure to issues with WordPress hooks.

For these reasons, among others, the core team preferred Preactā€”a smaller UI framework that requires less JavaScript to download and execute without sacrificing performance. Think of it like React with fewer calories.

Luis Herranz, a WordPress Core contributor from Automattic, outlines more details on Alpine vs the Interactivity APIā€™s usage of Preact with a thin layer of directives on top of it in this comment on the original proposal.

Preact only loads if the page source contains an interactive block, meaning it is not loaded until itā€™s needed, aligning with the idea of shipping as little JavaScript as possible (and shipping no JavaScript as a default).

In the original Interactivity API proposal, you can see the run-down and comparison of several frameworks and why Preact was chosen over the others.

What does the new Interactivity API provide to WordPress developers?

In addition to providing a standardized way to render interactive elements client-side, the Interactivity API also provides developers with directives and a more straightforward way of creating a store object to handle state, side effects, and actions.

Graphic from Proposal: The Interactivity API ā€“ A better developer experience in building interactive blocks on

Directives, a special set of data attributes, allow you to extend HTML markup. You can share data between the server-side-rendered blocks and the client-side, bind values, add click events, and much more. The Interactivity API reference lists all the available directives.

These directives are typically added in the blockā€™s

file, and they support all of the WordPress APIs, including actions, filters, and core translation APIs.

Hereā€™s the render file of a sample block. Notice the click event (


), and how we bind the value of the aria-expanded attributes via directives.

data-wp-interactive="create-block" false ) ); ?> data-wp-watch="callbacks.logIsOpen" >

Do you need to dynamically update an elementā€™s inner text? The Interactivity API allows you to use

on an element, just like you can use v-text in Vue.

You can bind a value to a boolean or string using

on the element. This means you can write PHP and HTML and sprinkle in directives to add interactivity in a declarative way.

Handling state, side effects, and actions

The second stage of adding interactivity is to create a store, which is usually done in your

file. In the store, youā€™ll have access to the same context as in your

In the store object, you define actions responding to user interactions. These actions can update the local context or global state, which then re-renders and updates the connected HTML element. You can also define side effects/callbacks, which are similar to actions, but they respond to state changes instead of direct user actions.

import { store, getContext } from '@wordpress/interactivity'; store( 'create-block', { actions: { toggle: () => { const context = getContext(); context.isOpen = ! context.isOpen; }, }, callbacks: { logIsOpen: () => { const { isOpen } = getContext(); // Log the value of `isOpen` each time it changes. console.log( `Is open: ${ isOpen }` ); }, }, } );

The Interactivity API is production-ready and already running on! With any plan, youā€™ll have access to the core blocks built on top of the Interactivity API.

If you want to build your own interactive blocks, you can scaffold an interactive block by running the below code in your terminal:

npx @wordpress/create-block@latest my-interactive-block --template @wordpress/create-block-interactive-template

This will give you an example interactive block, with directives and state handling set up.

You can then play around with this locally, using

, using a staging site, or by uploading the plugin directly to your site running a plugin-eligible plan.

If you want a seamless experience between your local dev setup and your site, try using it with our new GitHub Deployments feature! Developing custom blocks is the perfect use case for this new tool.

The best way to learn something new is to start building. To kick things off, you may find the following resources a good starting point:

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Registering Custom Post Types in the WordPress Admin: Our CloudFest Hackathon Report

Democraten NU Democraten NU Almelo 15-04-2024 12:00

With WordPress today you need to use custom code or a plugin to create a custom post type like ā€œBookā€ or ā€œMember.ā€ This is a popular need, and there are a variety of approaches; however, one challenge is that the end-user experience can be confusing and non-standardized.

A few weeks ago, some Automatticians and I went to the 7th CloudFest Hackathon in Rust, Germany to explore a solution for this. We started hacking on a deeply nerdy project, JSON Schema forms and fields, and ended up with a fascinating approach to an age-old question: What if you could register custom post types and custom fields directly in the WordPress admin?

Forty-eight hours turns an idea into reality

The CloudFest Hackathon is an event that allows developers from around the globe to take ideas and turn them into realities.

During the Hackathon, teams of developers from various content management systems and hosting companies come together to contribute to projects that align with the core principles of the event: the projects must be not-for-profit, interoperable, and open source.

This year, we focused on a JSON Schema Field/Form Renderer. While most of us explored using JSON Schema to dynamically register admin forms and fields, Dennis Snell and Adam Zieliński decided to take the project one step further! They hacked together a plugin that introduced the ability to register custom post types and custom fields directly from the WordPress admin. More notably, everything happens within the block editorā€”you have to see it to believe it:

This work poses some interesting possibilities for custom post type and custom field implementation because it could fundamentally change the way low- to no-code WordPress users modify their sites.

Should WordPress let you register custom post types and custom fields from the admin? #CFHack2024

ā€” daniel (@dbchhbr) March 17, 2024

I got quite a range of responses, ranging from ā€œHeck Yes! It should have already been a core feature now. Such an integral part of every other siteā€ to ā€œAdmin should only be for content and user management. Everything else should be configured in code and version controllable.ā€

So why the range in responses? Letā€™s discuss.

Dennis and Adam built our prototype using the following conventions:

A custom post type

holds templates for user-defined data types.

The title of a post in the

defines the name of the new data type. The post itself is the rendering template and comprises any set of normal blocks. Names are given to select block attributes within the post, and these names are mapped into the data type.

When creating new posts for the given data type, the locked template is copied from the

template, and the block attribute annotations are preserved.

Finally, when rendering the

template, the attributes are pulled from the individual post of the given data type and spliced into the template.

The fascinating idea is that we donā€™t have to think about form fields; blocks already provide a rendering view and a modal editing experience. We can rely on the fundamental way blocks work and use the very same user experience to create custom data types in a way that users are already familiar with when editing a post or a site.

We can provide JSON-LD markup properties to the block editor using our Custom Fields Names block settings.

Custom post types define custom data types, so we use a template to not only define the data type, but also to provide a default rendering template. Each data attribute within a post type has a field where itā€™s possible to define that field with its JSON-LD property.

For example, say you had a ā€œBookā€ custom post type. A few JSON-LD properties you could define using custom fields are:

We also chose to store a copy of each block attribute in the JSON attributes for that block. Since WordPress can now provide a post-to-JSON function, which merges the extracted attributes with the names assigned in the custom post type template, that template may have changed since the custom post was created. This means that no database migrations are necessary to render an updated version of a post.

The best part? The WordPress infrastructure that already exists (aka Gutenberg!) defines the data type. Because these custom posts are normal posts, and because they adopt the locked template for the data type definition, they are, in fact, renderable on their own! Even if the template has been updated and only the post itself is rendered, it will still display a meaningful representation of the data type as it was when it was created.

While our original Hackathon project was tailored towards developers and UX designers who would love to see a forms and fields API in WordPress, this prototype puts more power in the hands of low- to no-code WordPress users.

It also opens up a world of possibilities for providing a rendering view for any structured data. Imagine uploading a CSV and mapping the column names to block attributes, or connecting to a database or JSON API to map the records in the same way.

For example, if you had a CSV with business names, addresses, a rating, and a description, we could take that template post and insert a map block, a heading block, a star rating block, and a paragraph block and set the attributes to map to the CSV columns. Itā€™s essentially an instant structured data renderer!

But even if we can define custom post types and fields in the editor, should we, as a WordPress community, consider adding it to core?

The existential question: Should it exist?

Adding this kind of functionality into WordPress core could open up a ton of opportunities for the average WordPress user. Instead of needing to get a developer involved to add a custom post type to their site, a user could simply do it themselves and define the necessary fields and structured data attributes.

On the other hand, allowing everyday users, who may not have a full grasp of how custom post types and structured data should work, free reign to create these data types themselves could have detrimental effects on the user experience of their websites. Clunky or incorrect implementation of structured data markup could also cause issues with how search engines crawl these sites, causing unintended negative impacts to search traffic.

Not only that, but as of right now, if a custom post type is accidentally deleted, all of the content posted to that custom post type will no longer be accessible through the admin (even though it will still be stored in the database). The user could think they ā€œlostā€ their data.

What do you think? Are you in favor of giving website owners the ability to change and customize their custom post types and attributes? Or are there some website features that should always require a more technical hand and implementer?

Weā€™d love to chat with you about your thoughts in the comments below.

Thanks to Lars Gersmann for leading the JSON Schema project with me and to everyone on the Syntax Errors team: Adam Zieliński, Dennis Snell, Julian Haupt, Michael Schmitz, Anja Lang, Thomas Rose, Marko Feldmann, Fabian Genes, Michael Schmitz, Jan Vogt, Lucisu, Maximilian Andre, Marcel Schmitz, and Milana Cap.

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Site-Building Made Simple: Introducing the Public Pattern Library

Democraten NU Democraten NU Almelo 10-04-2024 16:31

When it comes to website-building, WordPress themes set your site up for success by providing stylish, preselected options for fonts, colors, and layouts. Even though themes provide the overall aesthetic, you still need to build out the posts, pages, and templates on your site. Thatā€™s where block patterns come in!

The Pattern Library is your new go-to resource for finding any kind of pattern for your beautiful WordPress website. With hundreds of pre-built patterns to choose from across over a dozen categories, youā€™ll be covered no matter your websiteā€™s specific needs.

Block patterns are collections of blocks made to work seamlessly with our modern themes. Need an ā€œAboutā€ page? Check. A gallery? Check. A testimonial? Check. How about a newsletter? Check. We have just about anything youā€™ll need.

Best of all: for each pattern, the fonts, colors, and spacing will adapt to your themeā€™s settings, making for a cohesive look. Still, patterns arenā€™t locked or static eitherā€”after youā€™ve added the pattern to your post, page, or template, you can tweak it however you like.

This new public Pattern Library allows you to browse, preview, and easily share or implement whichever design speaks your tastes. Letā€™s take a look around.

If you want to explore the Pattern Library and donā€™t have anything in particular that youā€™re looking for, click through each category to spark some ideas.

At the top, youā€™ll find a fast and easy-to-use search box, allowing you to find exactly what you need. This is a great option if you donā€™t feel like browsing and want to jump right into a solution for your specific needs.

Sometimes you just need the components of a post, page, or template: a header, a ā€œSubscribeā€ box, a store module, etc. Other times, you want to be able to copy and paste an entire page into existence. Scroll down past the categories and youā€™ll find our full-page patterns for whole pages: About, Blog, Contact, Store, and more.

Test the mobile responsiveness for each pattern

When looking through the library on a desktop or laptop device, youā€™ll see a gray vertical bar next to each pattern. Thatā€™s a nifty little slider that weā€™ve built into the library which allows you to see how each pattern responds to different screen sizes. Using your cursor to move the bar to the left, youā€™ll see what that design looks like on a mobile device; in the middle is where most tablets fall; and scroll back all the way to the right for the desktop/laptop version.

Like what you see? Simply click the blue ā€œCopy patternā€ button, open the editor to the post, page, or template youā€™re working on, and paste the design. Itā€™s that easy. Once inserted, you can customize each block as needed using the right sidebar.

Your new favorite page-building tool

The Pattern Library is especially useful if you build websites for clients. Each pattern is built to work with any theme that follows our technical standards, speeding up page-building not just for you but also for your clientsā€”all while maintaining the overall style of your theme.

In concrete terms, this means that our patterns take font, color, and spacing settings from the theme itself rather than using standard presets. This makes it far less likely for a site to break (or just look off) when youā€”or a clientā€”experiment and make updates.

Our goal is always to make your life both easier and more beautiful. This new resource does just that. Check out the Pattern Library today to enhance your website-building experience!

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Groene koffie 3 april

Groen Laren Groen Laren Laren 02-04-2024 07:38

Krakers, verkeer, woningen, winkels en nog veel meer.

Onderwerpen die ons en onze dorpsgenoten bezighouden willen we graag bespreken. Die kunnen we namelijk meenemen naar de commissievergaderingen en natuurlijk niet te vergeten de gemeenteraadsvergadering.

Daarom van harte uitgenodigd om op de woensdag volgend op de raadsvergadering koffie met ons te komen drinken. Omdat we vorige week met de raad vergaderd hebben is het morgenochtend woensdag 3 april om half 11 tijd om elkaar te ontmoeten in het Brinkhuis.

De andere koffiemomenten dit jaar: 1 mei, 5 juni, 3 juli, 4 september, 2 oktober, 30 oktober en 4 december. Iedere keer om half elf in de foyer van het Brinkhuis.

Teleurstelling over uitstellen raadsdebat meerjarensubsidie Zilvermuseum

VVD VVD Krimpenerwaard 25-03-2024 01:34

© Foto: Nederlands Zilvermuseum

Vorige week stond het onderwerp 'Meerjarensubsidie Zilvermuseum Schoonhoven' op de agenda. Na een aantal vergaderingen was het moment aangebroken om een besluit te nemen over het subsidievoorstel. 

Een Zilverstad zonder een Zilvermuseum kunnen wij ons niet voorstellen. Wij willen dat het Zilvermuseum blijft voortbestaan. Als icoon van de Zilverstad Schoonhoven. Dat daar een prijskaartje aan hangt, is duidelijk. Tegelijkertijd gaat het over structureel veel gemeenschapsgeld en daar mag wat ons betreft een stevige tegenprestatie en verantwoording tegenover staan. Gezien de financieel onzekere tijd die in 2026 aanbreekt, doen we een beroep op het Zilvermuseum om grip te houden op de financiën, kritisch te kijken naar de kosten en de uitgaven en om te kijken naar eventuele interne bezuinigingen. 

Samenwerking is wat ons betreft de sterkste schakel, een zilveren keten van museum, ondernemers, organisaties en gemeente. Met onder andere aandacht voor het vinden van medefinanciers (sponsoren), fondsenwerving, rijkssubsidies, inzet van promotie via Zilverstad Marketing en Stichting Promotie Krimpenerwaard en de link met het ontwikkelplan van de Zilver-as. 

Van de agenda 

Een meerderheid in de raad heeft het subsidievoorstel van de agenda gehaald. Daar zijn wij teleurgesteld over. Door nu geen besluit te nemen, ontstaat onnodig vertraging. En dat besluit moet toch worden genomen. Het gevolg is dat het Zilvermuseum de komende maanden in onzekerheid zit. Maanden waarin juist plannen kunnen worden gemaakt en investeringen kunnen worden gedaan. We gaan het Zilvermuseum daarom vragen wat dit besluit nu precies betekent en waar zij als museum tegenaan gaat lopen. 

Re-Creating The New York Timesā€™ Website in Under 30 Minutes Using

Democraten NU Democraten NU Almelo 14-03-2024 18:43

Re-Creating The New York Timesā€™ Website in Under 30 Minutes UsingĀ

Using WordPress blocks and the Site Editor to quickly build a lookalike of one of the most famous sites on the web.

Jeremy Anderberg

In this ā€œBuild and Beyondā€ video, Jamie Marsland re-creates The New York Timesā€™ website in less than 30 minutes using By utilizing mega menus, master layouts, typography controls, and post grids, Jamie shows us whatā€™s possible with the limitless customizations available with WordPress.

When it comes to mega menus, specifically, itā€™s worth noting that this is a highly complex customization that should only be attempted by WordPress pros and is mainly shown here as a demo of whatā€™s possible. Please read this blog post on the developer blog before embarking on your own mega menu.

To learn more and get started on your own site today, click below:

Missing out on the latest developments? Enter your email below to receive future announcements direct to your inbox. An email confirmation will be sent before you will start receiving notificationsā€”please check your spam folder if you don't receive this.

March 14, 2024

One of the biggest problems with design, I think, is trying to make your site look good on mobile and desktop. Having sidebars is great for desktop sites, but it doesnā€™t transfer to mobile very well.

According to the Google analytics, traffic to my site is about 54% mobile and about 45% desktop, with tablet showing barely over 1%. I wish we had an option to optimize it based on what the viewer was coming to your site with.

I feel the answer is: itā€™s already optimized. The issue is designing for the desktop first. Mobile use will only increase until the next tech revolution, and then itā€™s on to that. Thereā€™s no way to account for all the screen sizes and service types these days. Use an up to date theme, WordPress core, and donā€™t add unnecessary items.

*This isnā€™t a speech to you, just my thoughts in general that came up after reading your comment. šŸ™‚šŸ™Œ

This guide to recreating The New York Timesā€™ website on in under 30 minutes is fantastic! Itā€™s super easy to follow, even for beginners. The step-by-step instructions are clear, and I love how it helps you achieve a professional look quickly. Big thumbs up to the author for sharing this helpful tutorial!

I just started My Blog Can you Please Guide me How to make it properly, Iā€™m too lost in this because of WordPress layout has been changed so muchā€¦ and They have puted nonsence stuff in here that are not even required in here.

Amazing! I have to say Iā€™m envious. I guarantee my attempt would not run so smoothly. šŸ™‚

I admire sites whose blocks respond to mouseover by tinting the block, highlighting the content. I havenā€™t yet found how to duplicate this sleek effect ā€“ suggestions?

Glad to see James getting some attention and recognition here on the WordPressdotcom blog. Heā€™s one of my favorite WordPress people who brings the latest news about WordPress. Keep posting his content, and Iā€™ll read this blog more lol. Iā€™m already subscribed to his Youtube.

Very impressive and useful šŸ˜Ž

Case Study: Jelly Pixel Studioā€™s Journey With

Democraten NU Democraten NU Almelo 06-03-2024 21:06

Jelly Pixel Studio, a web development agency based in Indonesia, specializes in crafting unique and illustrative websites for clients worldwide. The company serves a wide variety of clients, from small businesses to larger corporations, utilizing as their primary hosting platform due to its exceptional stability, fast performance, and robust features.

Over the years, the agency has migrated numerous websites to and has seen consistent uptime and improved efficiency, saving both time and money. The agencyā€™s founder, Andika Purnawijaya, better known as Dika Fei, cites as the magic solution that helped solve many hosting challenges for the agencyā€™s clients.

Letā€™s explore a bit more about Jelly Pixel and how helps keep their clients happy.

Dika Fei embarked on his web development journey right after university, learning and mastering IBMā€™s WebSphere. His first interaction with came when he joined Codeable to work with various clients whose sites were hosted on the platform. Dika saw the immense value in and adopted it for the majority of his projects.

Jelly Pixel Studio was born out of a failed startup venture by Dika and three of his friends from college. After their initial attempt at creating something similar to Shopify for the Indonesian market didnā€™t work out, the team decided to channel their expertise into a highly successful web development agency. When choosing a platform, they settled on WordPress due to its simplicity and intuitiveness.

The team later branched out to form a second agency,Ā WP Stronk, which handles subscription-based web maintenance and content entry.

When asked if the agencies focused on any specific niche, Dika said, ā€œYES! Jelly Pixel is exceptionally skilled at creating illustrative websites with subtle scrolling animations. Our websites leave a lasting impression even after you close the tab.ā€ has been instrumental in helping Jelly Pixel Studio streamline its operations and deliver outstanding services to clients. With a mix of projects in maintenance and those being actively developed, Dika and his team of seven, or ā€œthe magnificent sevenā€ as they like to call themselves, have benefited greatly from the platformā€™s robust features and top-notch performance.

WordPress developers and agencies are no strangers to the perils and pitfalls of hosting. But solves those problems for Jelly Pixel Studio clients:

What I love about is its exceptional stability and blazing-fast performance, regardless of your setup. Even with other managed hosting providers, you often need to be mindful ofĀ  various settings such as: cache parameters and PHP workers. However, with,Ā everything just worksĀ seamlessly.Ā Itā€™s a true ā€œset it and forget itā€ experience.

As long as your site is hosted on, you can rest assured that it wonā€™t go down and it wonā€™t slow down, no matter the traffic. I have no idea how you accomplished it, but itā€™s absolutely AMAZING!

The team considers to be a good fit for their clients. Why?

You have amazing support, and your infrastructure is LITERALLY MAGIC. We have monitored our clientsā€™ uptime, and 100% is a number we often see. How is this even possible? ā€œAmazingā€ would be an understatement. You have saved me from a ton of urgent calls at night.

Jelly Pixel Studio believes has one well-kept secret:

I firmly believe that is the best hosting option for WooCommerce, particularly those with high traffic.

He thinks this is a missed opportunity for many freelancers and agencies who may not have considered using for their hosting clients. He shares this example:

I have a client on a different host. They get HUGE traffic. Every time they have a sale, they need to purchase a package upgrade and I have to constantly monitor their ad parameters to ensure proper caching. With the way works, all of this would be seamlessly handled out of the box.

He adds:

Unfortunately, the knowledge of as a highly stable WooCommerce hosting solution seems to have been lost over time. It almost feels like a well-kept secret!

Dika and his team at Jelly Pixel Studio view as a valuable partner in their web development journey. Dika credits the platform for providing peace of mind, leading to a happier and more productive work environment for his team, as well as clients who no longer complain about their siteā€™s performance. He looks forward to further cooperation with and hopes for the continued evolution of the platformā€™s capabilities.

At the heart of his work, Dika stands by this quote from Victor Frankl:

ā€œFor success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side-effect of oneā€™s personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself.ā€

This approach is echoed in the success story of Jelly Pixel Studio and WP Stronk, marking the agencies as businesses of kindness, dedication, and commitment to problem-solving.

The power of hosting with

If youā€™re interested in getting access to the tools and features on that can support your development process, click hereĀ to enable our ā€œI am a developerā€ setting on your account.

Finally, if youā€™re in search of an agency specializing in illustrative websites and CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization), Jelly Pixel StudioĀ can help you. For web and content maintenance, check outĀ WP StronkĀ for their comprehensive services.

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