Nieuws van politieke partijen over ChristenUnie inzichtelijk

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Opening 'Center for Economics & Mutuality' (Engels)

ChristenUnie ChristenUnie Nederland 10-03-2020 12:59

Door Eppo Bruins op 10 maart 2020 om 11:53

Opening 'Center for Economics & Mutuality' (Engels)

Toespraak uitgesproken bij de opening van het Center for Economics and Mutuality aan de Erasmus Universiteit.

Throughout human history we have known what is required to build a pleasant society. Even in scriptures as ancient as Jewish torah, these guidelines concern relationships, justice, taking care of the vulnerable, and having a well structured life with ample rest.

But hardly anything about finance. Not because there was none. It just is not as important for building a pleasant (or should I say blessed?) society.

In the past century however, economic thinking has been dominated by indicators such as gross national product. And terms like profit and growth have had a mere financial interpretation.

I want to share three recent developments with you (three hopeful developments), that have taken place in the Dutch political arena.

1. Broad prosperity

The first example takes me to the third Tuesday of September.

On the third Tuesday of September, our country celebrates Prinsjesdag. On that day our King visits Parliament, riding in his golden carriage. He presents the government’s plans for next year, and that same afternoon, the Minister of Finance presents next year’s budget to the House of Commons. Instead of only presenting financial data, in recent years, the Dutch Parliament has pushed the idea of government justifying its actions also on the basis of a broader definition of prosperity.

Broad prosperity measures the quality of life in the here and now, but also takes into account the extent to which that prosperity is reached at the expense of later generations or at the expense of people elsewhere.

Our Central Bureau for Statistics now annually presents the Monitor Broad Prosperity & Sustainable Development Goals. A large and diverse set of indicators is used to describe broad prosperity from two perspectives: In part 1 the prosperity ‘here and now’, ‘later’ and ‘elsewhere’ are mapped statistically, and the distribution of broad prosperity ‘here and now’ among various groups in Dutch society is presented. In part 2 the 17 Sustainable Development Goals are described statistically using a large number of indicators. Although Parliament is still struggling how to use these data in a more forward sense, in order to influence policy plans, the focus on societal issues, and not only financial issues, is an important mental shift in this country.

2. Social enterpreneurship

Not only macroeconomically, Dutch politics has undergone this shift. On the scale of individual companies, in recent years Dutch politics has become much more sympathetic towards the phenomenon of social enterprise. This is the second example I want to mention here.

Ten years ago the definition of social enterprise was confined to foundations wishing to start up commercial activities in the semi-public sector. About five years ago the definition shifted, singling out entrepreneurs taking over the task of employing disabled people, as a result of budget cuts in government spending.

But in the last couple of years, a broader and more flexible definition of social enterprise has emerged, based on a greater and renewed awareness that generating money is not the main task of companies.

This shift has led to public and political interest in an age-old Dutch ideology known as the "Rhineland model" – capitalism with its function focusing on societal return as well as financial return. The Rhineland model is the historical basis for the Catholic and Christian-democratic political movements in the Netherlands, Germany and later in some Scandinavian countries, promoting capitalism with a human face.

The broader definition of social enterprise, and the renewed interest for the Rhineland way of thinking, has opened up the possibility for visibility and recognition of social enterprises in the Netherlands.

Changes in the labour market have also spurred on this change in attitudes. As a result of decreased government spending, the government and representatives of employers and unions, have agreed to take shared responsibility to enhance the number of workplaces with sheltered employment.

In 2016, Jan Vos, member of parliament for the Labour Party, and I announced an initiative for new legislation to promote social entrepreneurship in the Netherlands. The initiative got a positive response from the Ministry for Social Affairs, but the Ministry for Economic Affairs was much more skeptical.

The following year I was able to elevate the issue further, because my party, the Christian Union, became part of the new four-party coalition government following the general election.

As part of the coalition accord, our parties promised to create (and I quote) "suitable regulations and more room for companies with social or societal goals, while maintaining a level playing field".

Spurred on by this accord I submitted a formal white paper to the Dutch parliament advocating the legal recognition of social enterprises. This time, the Ministry of Economic Affairs reacted, although hesitantly, in a more positive manner.

In a letter from both the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Trade, the Dutch government now has come to recognise the importance and the potential of social enterprises and wants to stimulate social entrepreneurship further.

Any week now we expect the result of a market research, that will determine whether a sufficient number of companies support the adoption of a legal form for social enterprises.

At the very least, my white paper and the positive reaction of government has sparked new attention for the topic of social entrepreneurship in the Netherlands. We are aiming for new legislation this year.

In the political debate to come, it is important to maintain a broad view of what social enterprises are. I believe that for many companies, social entrepreneurship will become part of their everyday business.

I expect that in the long run, more and more customers want to know whether they buy "fair" products in the broadest sense.

The realisation that profit is much more than just financial is here to stay, in the private as well as the public sector.

3. International socially responsible enterprises

The third example is a recent initiative from my ChristianUnion colleague Joel Voordewind. Last week he has announced a proposal for legislation that will oblige companies to act conform OECD norms for social responsible enterprises. Such a law would make it compulsary for companies to prevent e.g. forced labour and deforestation. This initiative will force companies to detect human rights violation and environmental damage, happening in their supply chain. They also will be obliged to provide plans how to avoid these, and how to mitigate risks of these violations and damages happening. This due diligence process will by Dutch law oblige companies to act conform OECD rules for multinational enterprises.

Until now, following OECD guidelines was on a voluntary basis only. Although Dutch government stimulates this and supports convenants in collaborative initiatives, this policy of voluntarity proven ineffective.

According to the Transparency Benchmark 2019 of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, only 22% of the largest companies in the Netherlands conforms itself to OECD guidelines.

The ChristianUnion proposal for legislation follows an international trend: in France, Australia, the UK and the United States, legislation on socially responsible entrepeneurship is in place. Germany and Finland are developing legislation at the moment.


With these three new initiatives taking place in The Netherlands, the opening of the Centre for Economics and Mutuality here at Erasmus University seems timely and highly relevant. Nevertheless, the Economics of Mutuality radically changes your view of business.

If we want politics and policy to be effective, we need science, metrics and an evidence-based approach to help make these political initiatives more tangible and real. And go beyond!

Research and politics sometimes are like water and fire. In this case, I hope - and expect that the Centre for Economics and Mutuality will be like oil on a fire. A fire that will not consume but instead will spread light and hope in the world, and will guide us in the way we run countries, the way we do politics, and the way we do business worldwide.

Bedankt!! ..alle mensen voor het ...

ChristenUnie-SGP ChristenUnie-SGP ChristenUnie Enkhuizen 22-03-2019 10:30

Bedankt!! ..alle mensen voor het stemmen allereerst! En verder voor het plakken van posters op de borden, in weer en wind op de markt staan in Hoorn Silva Visser en Kees Maas en overal en bedankt Michel Klein, Esther Kaper-Hartenberg en ook Eppo Bruins voor jullie bezoek aan Syngenta Nederland en aan de Schapenstreek. We hebben de zetel in Provincie Noordholland kunnen behouden en ook vele stemmen erbij gekregen en dat is goed nieuws. En we wensen jullie sterkte en succes nu met jullie werk komende tijd voor ChristenUnie Noord-Holland!

De grafieken in het klimaatdebat

Forum voor Democratie Forum voor Democratie ChristenUnie Nederland 13-12-2018 08:00

De grafieken in het klimaatdebatGeen sprake van toenemende droogteGeen toename ‘extreem weer’ zoals orkanenGeen verandering in neerslag

In het debat over de Klimaatwet (6 december jl.) toonde FVD-fractievoorzitter Thierry Baudet vier klimaatgrafieken die het alarmisme over veronderstelde droogte en extreme weersomstandigheden volkomen onderuit haalden. Geen toename van droogte, geen toe- of afname van neerslag, geen toename van orkanen, enzovoorts. De grafieken leidden tot grote verbazing. Volgens ChristenUnie-kamerlid Eppo Bruins was er zelfs sprake van “complete and utter bullshit”. Hoe zit het nu precies?


De eerste grafiek die Baudet liet zien toonde een afname van wereldwijde droogte (bron: Nature).[1] 5

De grafiek laat inderdaad een lichte daling in droogte zien. Ook het IPCC moest dat toegeven. In een groot rapport hierover stelde het VN-klimaatpanel dat verwachtingen ‘die we sinds de jaren ‘70 hebben gehad over toenemende droogte moeten worden bijgesteld.’ Inderdaad, volgens het rapport is er simpelweg ‘geen verandering is in droogte’.[2] Wel kan het uiteraard voorkomen dat er regionaal een tijdelijke toename (of afname) van droogte optreedt; maar ook daarin zien we geen grote fluctuaties. De donkerste kleur in bovenstaande grafiek, donkerrood (D4), de ergste vorm van droogte, laat evenzeer een afname zien. Voor de wereld als geheel is er dus simpelweg geen trend die ons op welke wijze dan ook enige zorgen zou moeten baren.

Er is ook ander positief nieuws: verre van een steeds drogere woestijnvlakte, wordt de wereld juist geleidelijk aan steeds groener. Alleen al de afgelopen dertig jaar is de mondiale vegetatie met 14 procent toegenomen!


Dan de hoeveelheid regen. Alarmisten schetsen zondvloedscenario’s met eindeloze hoosbuien, overstromingen, metershoge zeespiegelstijging, gewassen die worden weggevaagd door vloedgolven... Maar ook hiervan blijkt in werkelijkheid bitter weinig. De hoeveelheid neerslag is in de afgelopen 40 jaar vrijwel volkomen onveranderd gebleven. Er is op geen enkele manier een wereldwijde trend te ontdekken: in 96 landen nemen we een kleine toename van de hoeveelheid neerslag waar, in 104 een lichte afname:[3]

Wel stelt het IPCC dat de neerslag iets sterker lijkt toe te nemen in bepaalde regio’s dan het in andere regio’s afneemt - maar wat hier de precieze oorzaak van is blijft onduidelijk, en de gevolgen zijn tot op heden volkomen onschuldig.[4] Zo is er geen toename van het aantal overstromingen.[5] Opnieuw dus geen reden tot zorg.


Is er dan misschien een toename in andere extreme weersomstandigheden, zoals orkanen? Hoewel dit in de media geregeld gesteld wordt, is ook dat simpelweg niet het geval. De vierde grafiek die Baudet toonde liet zelfs een afname van het aantal orkanen zien[6]:

Geen toename dus in het aantal orkanen dat in de VS aan land komt. Eerder zelfs een lichte afname. En dit Amerikaanse beeld is representatief voor wat we wereldwijd terugzien. Ook het IPCC concludeert: ‘it is unlikely that the annual numbers of tropical storms, hurricanes and major hurricanes have increased over the past 100 years’.[7] Er is simpelweg géén significante verandering zichtbaar.


De grafieken die Baudet toonde in het debat zijn dus niet alleen afkomstig uit recent gepubliceerde wetenschappelijk artikelen, ze komen ook nog eens volledig overeen met de hoofdconclusies van het IPCC. De droogte neemt niet toe, de neerslag ook niet, en van toename in extreme weersomstandigheden is geen sprake.

Dat het goede nieuws “complete and utter bullshit” zou zijn is dus…complete and utter bullshit!


Global integrated drought monitoring and prediction system (Hao et al, 2014). De categorie D4 vertegenwoordigt de ergste droogte.

“In summary, assessment of new observational evidence, in conjunction with updated simulations of natural and forced climate variability, indicates that the AR4 conclusions regarding global increasing trends in droughts since the 1970s should be tempered. There is not enough evidence to support medium or high confidence of attribution of increasing trends to anthropogenic forcings as a result of observational uncertainties and variable results from region to region (Section Combined with difficulties described above in distinguishing decadal scale variability in drought from long-term climate change we conclude consistent with SREX that there is low confidence in detection and attribution of changes in drought over global land areas since the mid-20th century.” SREX is een speciaal rapport van het IPCC over weersextremen uit 2012.AR5 rapport (2013), hoofdstuk 10:

Nguyen, P.; Thorstensen, A.; Sorooshian, S.; Hsu, K.; Aghakouchak, A.; Ashouri, H.; Tran, H.; Braithwaite, D. Global Precipitation Trends across Spatial Scales Using Satellite Observations. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. 2018, 99, 689–697.

IPCC AR5 rapport, Hoofdstuk 2, FAQ2.2: “Precipitation extremes also appear to be increasing, but there is large spatial variability”.

Het recent gepubliceerde special report van het IPCC, SR1.5, stelt:  "There is low confidence due to limited evidence, however, that anthropogenic climate change has affected the frequency and the magnitude of floods."

De grafiek was afkomstig uit de recente paper Continental United States landfall frequency and associated damage: Observations and future risks. (Bron: American Metereological Society).

IPCC AR5 report (2013), chapter 2 said: “In summary, this assessment does not revise the SREX conclusion of low confidence that any reported long-term (centennial) increases in tropical cyclone activity are robust, after accounting for past changes in observing capabilities. More recent assessments indicate that it is unlikely that annual numbers of tropical storms, hurricanes and major hurricanes counts have increased over the past 100 years in the North Atlantic basin.”

Eppo Bruins in Amersfoort aanwezig bij WI congres Gezinskapitaal

ChristenUnie ChristenUnie Waadhoeke 31-10-2018 12:35

Eppo Bruins is op vrijdag 2 november aanwezig bij het congres Gezinskapitaal van het Wetenschappelijk Instituut van de ChristenUnie. Tijd en locatie: 14:00 - 16:30 uur, Amersfoort. Meer informatie

Eppo Bruins in Amersfoort aanwezig bij WI congres Gezinskapitaal

ChristenUnie ChristenUnie Kies Gemeente/Lokale afdeling 31-10-2018 12:35

Eppo Bruins is op vrijdag 2 november aanwezig bij het congres Gezinskapitaal van het Wetenschappelijk Instituut van de ChristenUnie. Tijd en locatie: 14:00 - 16:30 uur, Amersfoort. Meer informatie

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Alles weten over de ...

ChristenUnie ChristenUnie Apeldoorn 30-05-2018 04:30

Alles weten over de ‘belevingsvlucht’ die vandaag ook over de gemeente Apeldoorn vliegt? Samen met veel politieke inspanningen uit het land, kreeg ChristenUnie tweede kamerlid Eppo Bruins toegezegd dat deze vlucht er zou komen. We zijn benieuwd naar jouw ervaring vandaag!

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