Nieuws van politieke partijen inzichtelijk

1310 documenten

De moord op de voorvechter van ‘het vrije woord’

Partij Vrij Almelo (PVA) Partij Vrij Almelo (PVA) Almelo 02-11-2023 11:45

Het is vandaag 2 november 2023 precies 19 jaar geleden dat Theo van Gogh op brute wijze uit het leven werd gerukt. Eerder waren we aangeslagen door de moord op Pim Fortuyn in 2002. In de Nederlandse politiek verdedigde Fortuyn een nieuw geluid – daarom werd hij gezien als bedreiging. Filmmaker, columnist en regisseur Theo van Gogh werd al fietsend geliquideerd in Amsterdam. Twee moorden waar we liever niet aan herinnerd willen worden, omdat dit direct een aanslag is op de vrijheid van hun beroepsuitoefening. Een politicus en een filmmaker.

De regisseur Theo van Gogh die op 2 november 2004 door een moslim werd vermoord spreekt (zie onder) met de professor in de sociologie en publicist Pim Fortuyn, die kort daarvoor had aangekondigd de politiek in te gaan. Hij had landelijke bekendheid gekregen, omdat hij het in zijn boeken en columns als een van de eerste had gewaagd om te breken met de Nederlandse cultuur van consensus en die problemen open en direct aan te spreken, die veel Nederlanders zorgen bereiden, die echter door een op politieke correctheid bedachte elite in Den Haag of ontkend of gebagatelliseerd werden: Parallele Samenlevingen, criminaliteit, verwaarlozing van de openbare ruimte, de weerloze staat.

De vrijheid om te kunnen zeggen wat je wilt is beschermd in de grondwet. Partij Vrij Almelo vindt vrijheid van meningsuiting het beschermen waard.

Your New Go-To Keyboard Shortcut: Introducing the Command Palette

Democraten NU Democraten NU Almelo 18-10-2023 17:13

Can we all agree that keyboard shortcuts have become indispensable to the experience of using a computer? Just think about where the world would be without copy/paste! We may not think about them much, but these combinations of keystrokes have helped millions of people make their daily—even hourly—workflows faster and more efficient.

WordPress already utilizes a number of incredibly handy keyboard shortcuts:

When you’re in an individual post or page, typing “/” allows you to quickly search for and insert any of our blocks or patterns.

“Shift+Command+/” (Mac) or “Ctrl+Shift+/” (PC) brings you right into distraction free mode (one of our favorites around here).

“Ctrl+Option+O” (Mac) or “Shift+Alt+O” (PC) toggles the list view/outline pane, allowing you to quickly see your blocks at a glance and rearrange them easily if needed.

And now, with the brand Command Palette tool, yet another piece has been added to the ever-growing kit of convenient, time-saving keyboard shortcuts.

We think it’s pretty darn cool, so in this short post we’ll walk you through where and how to use it.

The Command Palette is available across the editing experience, whether you’re switching between templates in the Site Editor or toggling through settings in a post/page, with specific contextual options depending on where you are. While in editing or writing mode, simply hit Command+K (Mac) or Control+K (PC). This will bring up a handy little search box with the instructions: “Type a command or search.”

Type “new” to bring up quick actions for adding a new post or page. Enter the name of a specific post or page on your site to quickly navigate exactly where you want (“About page,” for example). Or access a template in a flash by typing “Header,” “Footer,” “Home,” etc.

Beyond the basics, you can dive deeper into the WordPress experience with the following commands:

Back to page (to return to editing a page from a template)

Customize CSS

Delete template

Delete template part

Disable pre-publish checklist

Edit Template (when editing a page)

Enable pre-publish checklist

Exit code editor

Hide breadcrumbs

Learn about styles (to trigger the welcome guide for Styles)

Manage all custom patterns

Open code editor

Open editor preferences

Open keyboard shortcuts

Open Navigation Menus

Open List View (in the Site Editor)

Preview in a new tab

Show breadcrumbs

Toggle block inspector

Toggle fullscreen mode

Toggle list view (in the Post Editor)

Toggle settings sidebar

Toggle spotlight mode

Toggle top toolbar

View site

View template parts

View templates

Site Editor-specific commands:

Reset styles to default

Reset template

Reset template part

Open styles

Open styles revisions

Block-specific commands:





Add before

Add after

Think of the Command Palette as the ultimate shortcut tool, allowing you to do more with fewer clicks, whether you’re trying to toggle a specific setting or transform an Image Block to a Cover Block.

You can move almost anywhere in the editor from this shortcut box, so play around, get comfortable with it, and make navigating your site even more of a breeze than it was before.

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Politieke markt beleidsbegroting (17-10-2023)

Burgerbelangen Burgerbelangen Hengelo 17-10-2023 10:17

Op dinsdag 17 oktober kunt u de politieke markt over de beleidsbegroting 2024-2027 bijwonen, de avond begint om 19 uur in de raadzaal van het stadhuis.

De volledige agenda van de avond vindt u hier.

Op woensdag 8 november kunt u de raadsvergadering over de...

De raadsvergadering van woensdag 19 juli gaat in zijn geheel over de...

Op dinsdag 18 juli gaat de politieke markt over het stimuleringsplan...

Glasbakken Plus

Algemeen Belang Algemeen Belang Asten 07-10-2023 21:29

Tijdens de commissievergadering van 20 september 2022 heeft Algemeen Belang een gevaarlijke situatie aangekaart rondom de glasbakken op het parkeerterrein van de Plus in Asten. De eigenaar van de plus werd wekelijks meerdere keren op de gevaarlijke situatie geattendeerd. Diverse mensen zijn er gestruikeld of vervelend ten val gekomen.

Als antwoord kregen we te horen dat er eerder al naar het probleem gekeken is en dat er waarschijnlijk niets aan gedaan zou kunnen worden. Op verzoek van Algemeen Belang is er nogmaals gezocht naar een goede oplossing. Nu, ruim een jaar later, zien we tot onze grote verrassing dat de gevaarlijke situatie verholpen is. Gelukkig is het toch gelukt. Namens Algemeen Belang willen we de wethouder hiervoor bedanken.

Boekavond Amsterdam

SP SP Velsen 02-10-2023 19:25

9 oktober inloop vanaf 19:30u, start 20:00u Voor meer info en (gratis) inschrijven ga naar:

Datum en tijd: 
maandag, 9 oktober, 2023 - 19:45
Posthoornkerk, Haarlemmerstraat 124-126, Amsterdam

Boekavond Amsterdam

SP SP Haarlem 02-10-2023 17:15

9 oktober inloop vanaf 19:30u, start 20:00u Voor meer info en (gratis) inschrijven ga naar:

Datum en tijd: 
maandag, 9 oktober, 2023 - 19:45
Posthoornkerk, Haarlemmerstraat 124-126, Amsterdam

Tell the Story You Want to Tell

Democraten NU Democraten NU Almelo 21-09-2023 15:13

Jeremy Anderberg

In August, the WordPress community gathered at National Harbor, Maryland for WordCamp 2023. Every year, the conference hosts special speakers to talk about all kinds of things—from the technical to the inspirational.

One of our favorite talks this year was from sci-fi and fantasy author Ken Liu, in which he explores the profound role of storytelling in human life.

Liu conveys the idea that stories serve as a means to understand and communicate our values, emphasizing the importance of connection, playfulness, rootedness, empowerment, and self-definition. The power of story leads to the embodiment of one’s values, which allows us to pass along those values through lived experiences.

Ultimately, Liu teaches us how to embrace this power and rewrite our own narratives. We were so inspired by the talk that we wanted to share it with all of you! Watch the video in its entirety below:

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I would like to say one thing, that as idea behind writing is to express yourself sometimes artistically, indirectly,,, I think we need to focus on readers who should read seriously before liking any of blog or post,, I feel mostly readers just like it before even reading,, sometimes the content maybe contrary to what they have to say,,

I am ready to follow

I wish more people would actually take the time to read because it’s a race to compete for likes🤦

Love WordPress!

I am new to WordPress but I am enjoying it as I try to figure it out.

Great WordPress!!

Buenas tardes. Quizás esta dirección de correo no es la que me puede solucionar mi problema, pero llevo unos días intentando contactar con wordpress y no encuentro la dirección correcta. Me ha desaparecido mi cuenta y no sé cómo recuperarla. ¿podrían ustedes, por favor, indicarme a qué correo puedo dirigirme? Muchas gracias de antemano. Saludos

Sorry to bother you with this question, unrelated I am afraid to the email below.

Is it possible for me to upload a pdf for readers to download free? If so, how do I do that? Your ignorant user Mats

Of course! You can upload and link them, or embed them. We have more info on uploading documents here.

I feel writing is a way to express ourselves. I write for myself, however, I am grateful for those who enjoy what I have to say. I am also grateful for WordPress for allowing me this opportunity.

Wow that is interesting. I think WordPress is teaching me to express my thoughts I have never thought I would do. There are so many great writers out there with amazing skills.

One of our favorite talks this year was from sci-fi and fantasy author Ken Liu, in which he explores the profound role of storytelling in human life.

“Liu conveys the idea that stories serve as a means to understand and communicate our values, emphasizing the importance of connection, playfulness, rootedness, empowerment, and self-definition. The power of story leads to the embodiment of one’s values, which allows us to pass along those values through lived experiences.”

Ultimately, Liu teaches us how to embrace this power and rewrite our own narratives. We were so inspired by the talk that we wanted to share it with all of you!

Yes, very true. Thank you so much!

Hi i am Mohammad Zahangir Alam

I am here to tell my feelings about nature and food dishes.

AND I love do it.


Thanks for sending the messages.

I am interested to work on WordPress. Made my website from my G-mail Account for practice purpose.

Despite several efforts I couldn’t recover my site.

I want to continue my account again. My Gmail Account : [redacted]

Can you please advise?

Best regards,

Hey there, it sounds like you are looking to recover a former site. We would be happy to take a look at this, can you reach out to us here so we can pull up your account information and assist further?



fan of WordPress..




Looks awasome congratsthanks for sharingseeking word press guidence to savesh our website


Women Superhero women Superhero

I want to tell the story of a world where everyone has a unique gift. This gift is something that they are very good at, and it makes them special.



So awesome

Love this!


Interesting 🧐

I started writing on WordPress today, my goal is to help people know themselves and enjoy their lives, I know life isn’t easy and going through the hard times alone is much worse, I want to give them hope and support and I want to get them out of their darkness. God bless you all❤🍃

That’s crazy

Loved it!

Not really a fan tho! It’s exciting, but not me… not what I want to read….

Can someone teach me WordPress

Absolutely loved it! Completely agree to tell our/your story as we all have one. It’s what makes us all unique.

This one i love it❤💚

Stumbled upon this and it’s deeply resonant. Ken Liu’s perspective on the power of storytelling is both enlightening and affirming. Truly, stories shape our lives in profound ways. Thanks for sharing! – Nexa


Are you trying to get started? We’ve got some tutorials here, as well as a fantastic webinar series.

I like it too but how to start dis….plz help me

Hi there,

If you are not sure where to get started, we highly recommend our free self-guided “Getting Started” course here: Getting Started | Learn

The relevance of a mouse scroll test in the context of “Tell the Story You Want to Tell” can be understood as a metaphorical or symbolic representation of controlling the narrative or message you wish to convey.

In storytelling, whether it’s in writing, film, or any other medium, the way you present the story is crucial. It’s akin to scrolling through a webpage or document where the user has the power to control what they see and when they see it. Likewise, a storyteller or content creator has the power to guide their audience’s attention and understanding by choosing how the story unfolds.

Im the beginner in wordpress , we can practice the details

How Art Catalyzes Change—Join Us for a Livestream Event on September 20

Democraten NU Democraten NU Almelo 18-09-2023 15:00

On September 20th, at Automattic’s stunning Noho space, artist Ana Teresa Fernández and a panel of other leaders—including Cristina Gnecco, Co-Founder of HOPE Hydration, and Whitney McGuire, Esq., Director of Sustainability at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum—will gather to discuss and confront our current climate crisis. This unique evening aims to delve into the compelling intersections of art, climate change, and social innovation.

We’d love for all of you to join us virtually for this event via livestream, starting at 6:45pm ET.

Held against the backdrop of Fernández’s incredible Under Pressure series, this event aims to spotlight how art and innovation can catalyze positive change. We hope to inspire attendees to become more than observers—to take their newfound insights to their communities and inspire collective action.

Here’s a statement about Under Pressure from Fernández’s website (which, of course, is powered by WordPress):

Human beings have a hard time facing ugly truths. But what if an artist makes them beautiful? How then might we respond? Rather than turn away, would we change our ways, could we turn the tide against oncoming disaster? . . .

Fernandez is not only an artist of stunning visual poetry, she is also an astute social activist. It is not guilt and shame that motivate people to be their best selves; it is inspiration, empowerment, and hope that remind us of how intrinsically we are all connected in thought and deed.

We hope to see you there at 6:45pm ET on Wednesday, September 20th!

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De fractie gaat in de wijken vergaderen

Leefbaar Capelle Leefbaar Capelle Capelle aan den IJssel 04-09-2023 15:58

Wilt u met de fractie van gedachte wisselen, een onderwerp ter sprake brengen of de fractie uw ideeen meegeven?

U bent van harte welkom op onze (openbare) fractievergaderingen.

Vanaf september 2023 gaat de fractie ook in de wijken op locatie vergaderen. U bent van harte uitgenodigd om aan te komen. Een kop koffie staat voor u klaar.

Wilt u weten waar de fractie vergaderd? Kijk dan even in onze evenementen kalender, hier vindt u alle gegevens zoals datums en locaties.

De eerste vergadering in de wijk is op 14 september in buurthuis De Wel. Aanvang 19.30. De koffie staat klaar.

Aanmelden mag, zeker als u een specifiek onderwerp wilt aanbrengen, maar dit hoeft niet.

Graag zien de fractieleden u op de vergaderingen.

Zie je content die volgens jou niet op deze site hoort? Check onze disclaimer.